Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Monday, February 18, 2013
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
#Kokab and Narges Mousavi Summoned to Evin Court| Mousavi’s Son-in-Law Threatened by Phone
February 12th, 2013 – [Kaleme] On the anniversary of the illegal house arrest of opposition leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi, Mehdi Karroubi and Zahra Rahnavard, Kokab and Narges Mousavi , two of Mir Hossein Mousavi’s daughters were contacted by phone and summoned to Evin court. In other news a high level security official also reportedly threatened Mousavi’s son-in-law by phone.
According to reports by Kaleme website, a day after the arrest and subsequent release of Narges and Zahra Mousavi after several hours of interrogation, the head of the security agents responsible for Mousavi and Rahnavard’s house arrest who had claimed to be in the dark regarding the recent arrests, contacted Mousavi’s son-in-law, threatening him by phone, warning him that all his activities are under surveillance by Iran’s security apparatus.
The aforementioned senior security official informed Mousavi’s son-in-law by phone that in addition to Nargez and Zahra Mousavi, Kokab his eldest daughter was also going to be summoned to Evin court and they were all to be charged with spreading lies.
On the afternoon of Tuesday February 12th, 2013 shortly after this telephone conversation, unidentified individuals who refused to introduce themselves contacted Kokab and Narges Mousavi separately, summoning them both to Evin court. Kokab Mousavi has been summoned to appear at Evin court on Thursday morning and Narges Mousavi must appear on Saturday morning. They have been informed that they must appear in court for further questioning and in order for the judiciary to complete their case files. The individual who contacted Kokab Mousavi threatened that she will likely be arrested while in court.
On Monday February 12th, 2013, Narges and Zahra Mosuavi were threatened and arrested following the raid of their homes and subsequently released after several hours of questioning. According to both Narges and Zahra the questions they were asked during their interrogation mainly revolved around publishing news regarding the status of their parents, their connection with the Kaleme website, the publication of a joint statement with Karroubi’s children, speaking about the rigged elections and their criticism of the detention of Mousavi, Rahnavard and Karroubi and referring to it as an illegal detention.
Mousavi’s daughters were summoned to court by phone despite the fact that the law stipulates that law enforcement officials can only summon a citizen to court when presenting an identity card and a judicial court order. It remains unclear which entity within the ruling establishment has summoned Mousavi’s daughters to court, particularly as there are contradictions between the statements and claims made by the head of the security agents and the arresting agents who appeared at the homes of Narges and Zahra on Monday, and the judicial authorities and those responsible for summoning them on Tuesday. The various entities within the ruling establishment have continued to avoid responsibility regarding this matter and the authorities of the intelligence ministry, the IRGB, the prosecutor’s office, the judiciary and the office of the president have been blaming each other for the recent events, while no one has taken responsibility or provide any answers.
Two years after the illegal house arrest of Mir Hossein Mousavi, Zahra Rahnavard and Mehdi Karroubi, with no legal precedence and sentence against the leaders of the Green Movement and no one taking responsibility for their continued detention, the judiciary is treating their children in the same irresponsible manner and behind the closed doors of Evin court, it remains unclear which entity or authority will be held responsible for their dignity, safety and well being.
Mir Hossein Mousavi, Zahra Rahnavard and Mehdi Karroubi have been under illegal house arrest for two year, their communication with the outside world and even their family members cut off, with authorities allowing sporadic and arbitrary visits with select family members only.
Mir Hossein Mousavi and Zahra Rahnavard’s daughters have been deprived of all visitation and even telephone contact with their parents for the past three months. The authorities have not only evaded responsibility regarding keeping them incommunicado but have also attacked their children and Karroubi’s children and threatened them for attempting to disseminate information regarding their status and well being.
Source: Kaleme:
ارگان ها تقصیر را به گردن یکدیگر می اندازند؛ هیچ کس مسئولیت نمی پذیرد
احضار کوکب و نرگس، دختران موسوی به دادسرای اوین/ تهدید تلفنی داماد میرحسین توسط مامور ارشد امنیتی
چهارشنبه, ۲۵ بهمن, ۱۳۹۱
چکیده :ارگان های مختلف نیز در این باره از خود سلب مسئولیت می کنند و مقام های وزارت اطلاعات، سپاه، دادستانی، قوه قضاییه و نهاد ریاست جمهوری برخوردهای اخیر را به گردن یکدیگر می اندازند و هیچ یک حاضر نیستند مسئولیت آن را بپذیرند و پاسخگو باشند….
در سالروز آغاز حصر غیرقانونی زهرا رهنورد، میرحسین موسوی و مهدی کروبی؛ کوکب و نرگس، دختران موسوی و رهنورد، به صورت تلفنی به دادسرای اوین احضار شدند و یک مامور ارشد امنیتی هم در تماس تلفنی به تهدید داماد مهندس موسوی پرداخت.
به گزارش خبرنگار کلمه، یک روز پس از دستگیری چند ساعته زهرا و نرگس موسوی، رئیس زندانبانان موسوی و رهنورد که ادعا می کرد از این بازداشت و برخوردها بی خبر بوده، در تماس تلفنی با داماد مهندس موسوی به تهدید وی پرداخت و هشدار داد که کلیه فعالیت های او تحت نظر دستگاه های امنیتی قرار دارد.
این مامور ارشد امنیتی همزمان به داماد میرحسین موسوی گفت که علاوه بر زهرا و نرگس، کوکب موسوی دختر بزرگ میرحسین و رهنورد هم به دادسرا احضار خواهد شد، و اتهام آنها را نیز نشر اکاذیب ذکر کرد.
غروب روز سه شنبه ۲۴ بهمن ماه و ساعتی پس از این تماس تلفنی، افراد ناشناسی که حاضر به معرفی خود نبودند، در تماس های جداگانه با کوکب موسوی دختر بزرگ میرحسین و رهنورد و همچنین نرگس موسوی دختر کوچک آنها، این دو را به دادسرای اوین احضار کردند.
کوکب موسوی برای صبح روز پنجشنبه و نرگس موسوی برای صبح روز شنبه به دادسرا احضار شده است. به آنها گفته شده که این احضارها برای دریافت توضیحات و تکمیل پرونده انجام می شود. فرد تماس گیرنده با کوکب موسوی، تهدید کرده که احتمال بازداشت وی در دادسرا وجود دارد.
روز دوشنبه هم ماموران، نرگس و زهرا موسوی را برای چند ساعت بازداشت کرده و منازل آنها را نیز همراه با تهدید و ارعاب مورد بازرسی قرار داده بودند.
به گفته زهرا و نرگس موسوی، مهم ترین محورهای بازجویی های آنها، اطلاع رسانی درباره وضعیت پدر و مادرشان، ارتباط با سایت کلمه، انتشار بیانیه مشترک با فرزندان مهدی کروبی، صحبت از مهندسی انتخابات و انتقاد از حبس موسوی و رهنورد و غیر قانونی خواندن آن بوده است.
دختران میرحسین موسوی در حالی با تماس تلفنی احضار شده اند که بر اساس قانون، ضابطان قضایی تنها با ارائه کارت شناسایی و حکم مکتوب مقام قضایی حق دارند اقدام به احضار شهروندان کنند.
این در حالی است که ارگان اقدام کننده برای احضار دختران موسوی مشخص نیست و بین اظهارات رئیس زندانبانان، اظهارات ماموران بازداشت کننده در روز دوشنبه، مسئولان قضایی و احضارکنندگان روز سه شنبه تناقض وجود دارد.
ارگان های مختلف نیز در این باره از خود سلب مسئولیت می کنند و مقام های وزارت اطلاعات، سپاه، دادستانی، قوه قضاییه و نهاد ریاست جمهوری برخوردهای اخیر را به گردن یکدیگر می اندازند و هیچ یک حاضر نیستند مسئولیت آن را بپذیرند و پاسخگو باشند.
بدین ترتیب همانند حصر دو ساله میرحسین و رهنورد و کروبی که مشخص نیست با چه توجیه قانونی و با حکم و مسئولیت کدام مقام انجام می شود، در خصوص احضار و برخوردهای قضایی اخیر با فرزندان آنها نیز رفتاری آشکارا غیر مسئولانه به خرج داده می شود و مشخص نیست پشت دیوارهای دادسرای اوین، مسئولیت حفظ امنیت، سلامت و حیثیت آنها با کدام مقام یا نهاد است.
مهدی کروبی، میرحسین موسوی و زهرا رهنورد از دو سال قبل در حبس خانگی به سر می برند و کلیه ارتباطات آنها با مردم و حتی خانواده قطع شده است. ماموران تنها به طور نامنظم و به دلخواه خود اجازه می دهند که برخی اعضای خانواده به دیدار موسوی و رهنورد بروند.
با این حال بیش از سه ماه است که دختران میرحسین و رهنورد از هرگونه دیدار یا حتی تماس تلفنی با پدر و مادر خود محروم شده اند و مسئولان نه تنها درباره ی بی اطلاع نگه داشتن آنها پاسخگو نیستند، بلکه اطلاع رسانی آنها و فرزندان مهدی کروبی درباره ی وضعیت پدر و مادر خود نیز با حمله ماموران امنیتی و تهدید و برخوردهای خشونت بار رو به رو شده است.
#Zahra Mousavi: “Even if you hang me, I refuse to confess to anything other than my convictions!”
February 11th, 2013 – [Kaleme -Sepand Mir Yousefi] Zahra Mousavi, opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi and Zahra Rahnavard’s daughter described her arrest, interrogation at Evin prison and subsequent release after several hours on Monday February 11th as follows: “They raided our home in the morning using their usual tricks. They waited for one of the neighbors to open the door and then entered the building. I saw seven men and a woman entering the building. At first I was not dressed properly and was not wearing hijab. One guy entered the house and the others forced the door open and entered the house behind him. Initially, given their repeated unethical behavior in the past, I thought that there was no woman with them. I was worried about our family photos and in particular photos of our mother. At the time, I couldn’t think of any other way to prevent them from accessing our family photos, so I immersed my laptop in water. They searched the entire house and left no corner unturned. They confiscated the computer, the laptops, the scanner, a number of my documents including my university degrees, several novels I had just purchased, some of which I had not even had the chance to read, some CDs of movies and shows, my bank card and anything they could get their hands on. I’m not sure what they were looking for. We had nothing in particular for them to take. When I objected to them reading our private letters or looking at our personal photos, particularly given the renowned behavior of the security apparatus in Iran, they accused me of unethical behavior to which I responded: “Do you consider your constant raid of people’s homes ethical behavior?”"
Zahra Mousavi continued: “The female security agent attempted to search me physically; a bodily search that was outside the realm of ethical behavior, but I refused to allow her to proceed. Their behavior improved slightly following my objections or at least it looked as though they exercised some restraint. They confiscated everything in sight and took me with them. We entered Evin from the back entrance. At first they prevented us from entering stating that our arrival had not been coordinated. The interrogation process eventually began. It was nothing out of the ordinary. They placed the interrogation sheets in front of me and asked about how I communicate with the Kaleme website. They wanted to know how we send and receive the news. They asked me a series of questions regarding this issue. They seemed very keen to find out more about our connection and any potential communication with the Kaleme website. During the interrogation process they continuously referred to Kaleme as an anti-revolutionary website. Since it was a written interrogation, they sought to get a written confession from me stating that I am in contact with anti-revolutionaries. Of course their claims were pure lies for the anti-revolutionary forces are the power mongers and those who embezzle and not Kaleme website. I told my interrogator that despite the difficult climate they have created, Kaleme is busy publishing the news and creating awareness amongst our society while observing our religious and national values and principles.”
“The written interrogation process ended at around 12 noon. They then had me sit in the corridor. I heard loud cries and later realized it was my sister who had entered into an altercation with them. At the time I had no idea that she too had been arrested. The interrogator who went by the name of Mr. Seyed, claimed that my statements were baseless. He was particularly sensitive to references to the rigged elections and the term kidnapping [in reference to our parents] used in the statements we had published. Every time I opened my mouth to respond he insisted that I provide proof and evidence. I explained that we never would have believed that the day would come when the regime would constantly force individuals to provide evidence against its own members. We were not supposed to behave so badly and with such lack of trust. We realized all of this many years later. While he [reference to Ahmadinejad] was in Egypt pursuing his agenda, they had already issued a judgment against me claiming that my statements were false. I told them that even if they hang me, it won’t make a difference for other than my convictions, I refuse to provide one word in the form of a written confession. My interrogator of course took my statement as an insult to the judiciary.” adds Zahra Mousavi.
Mir Hossein Mousavi’s daughter reiterated that a large portion of her interrogation process was in relation to her communication with the Kaleme website and the statements she and her sisters had published and in particular the joint statement published with the children of Mehdi Karroubi in the early part of January this year. “They kept asking: “Why did you publish that particular statement? ” They viewed such statements as publishing lies. They actually claimed that informing the public regarding the difficulties our parents have faced and the details regarding their detention was engaging in the publication of lies,” explained Mousavi’s daughter.
Zahra Mousavi clarified: “It was very clear that they were not very happy with the fact that we are able get our side of the story published despite the restrictions and of course they had a problem in principle with our writings and statements. I believe that they [the ruling establishment] have traversed a series of crisis filled days that have not been to their advantage. When the head of the parliament and the head of the government treat each other so poorly in public, or the head of the parliament is mistreated by the people while on official trip in the holy city of Qom, they are forced to create noise and divert public attention through generating other news. Given that we are on the eve of the anniversary of our parents’ illegal detention (February 14th), they also wanted to make us suffer, demonstrating once again their power to arrest and incarcerate if need be. Our response to such behavior is that we are but one of many others that have stood alongside us throughout this journey.”
Zahra Mousavi adds: “When the interrogations process ended their behavior suddenly changed. After four hours of detention and questioning they told me that I could leave and asked me for a guarantee to appear for questioning when summoned. I believe that the impact of the pressure exerted by the media may have played a role in them releasing me after several hours of questioning, particularly since that same morning when they arrived at my home they told me that I might be detained for quite some time and should probably pack some clothes and other simple belongings. While I was being questioned, even though they told my sister that she would be released after a few hours, they kept insisting that I would be detained for a while. They wanted to punish me. My sister and I were both asked to sign documents accepting responsibility for writing the statements that were published in the media outlets in our names and we did signed these documents during our interrogation. They kept focusing on the fact that we have insisted that no one in the ruling establishment has accepted responsibility for the arrest and detention of our parents. They kept rejecting our statements and insisting that we had published lies. They stated that our parents have been detained legally and based on orders submitted by the judiciary. Of course I insisted that we have never seen such a court order and do not believe what they say. Even if there had been a court order, the arrest and detention was without cause for our parents are innocent. This statement really bothered them and they kept asking: “Why do you insist that their detention was without cause? We had reason for detaining them.” They insisted that their decision was justifiable and will be explained when the time is right. We all know however that they detained our parents and Mr. Karroubi without reason and provided no explanation for their actions.”
In closing Zahra Mousavi described the possible causes for the events that occurred yesterday as follows: “In order to cover up the recent infighting [between the president and the head of the parliament] the ruling establishment was in need of a fresh news cycle, created through our arrests. As we approach February 14th [the anniversary of the detention of the leaders of the Green Movement] and despite extreme internet restrictions, they continue to worry about the possible repercussions our statements might have outside the virtual world. Given their current problems and the infighting amongst their inner circle they fear any crisis and as a result they mistakenly create further crisis by fighting the wrong battles. Our father had predicted such days and they now take the liberty to take revenge on his daughters for his predictions.
Source: Kaleme:
انتقام پیش بینی های پدر برای کشور را از ما می گیرند
گزارش زهرا موسوی از بازجویی: آنها بحران زده اند و پی در پی اشتباه می کنند
سه شنبه, ۲۴ بهمن, ۱۳۹۱
چکیده :حکومت برای پوشش اختلافات خود نیاز به فضای جدید خبری داشت که با دستگیری ما فراهم کند ضمن اینکه نگران ۲۵ بهمن هم بود آنها از نوشته های ما در فضای محدود و تنگ مجازی و بازتاب ان درجامعه واقعی نگرانند و با توجه به انواع گرفتاریهایی که در درون خود دارند از ایجاد هر بحران نگرانند و در این نگرانی اشتباه کرده و بحران جدید میافرینند انها با اشتباه به جنگ اشتباه می روند و چون پدر ما این روزهارا پیشبینی کرده بود انتقام آن پیشبینی را با این رفتارها….
کلمه- سپند میریوسفی:
زهرا موسوی، دختر میرحسین و زهرا رهنورد که صبح روز دوشنبه توسط ماموران در منزل خود بازداشت و پس از بازجویی چند ساعته در زندان اوین، آزاد شده است، در تشریح آنچه در این چند ساعت بر او گذشته است می گوید: صبح با ترفند های همیشگی خودشان ریختند داخل منزل. صبر کرده بودند یکی از همسایه ها در را باز کند و سپس وارد شوند.
وی در گفت و گو با کلمه ادامه می دهد: وقتی وارد شدند دیدم ۷ تا آقا بودند و یک خانم.در ابتدا در حالیکه هنوز پوششم مناسب نبود و حجاب نداشتم یک آقا امد تو و به دنبال ایشان بقیه با فشار در را باز کردند و به داخل ریختند من اول فکر کردم که خانمی همراهشان نیست و چون بارها دیده ایم که بی اخلاقی هایی دارند نگران عکس های خانوادگی مان، خصوصا مادرم شدم. به همین دلیل اول از همه لپ تاپم را گذاشتم زیر آب. راه دیگری برای اینکه عکس های خانوادگیمان را از دسترس آن ها خارج کنم به ذهنم نرسید.
زهرا موسوی تشریح می کند: همه جای خانه را زیر و رو کردند و جایی را باقی نگذاشتند که نگشته باشند. کامپیوتر، لپ تاپ ها، اسکنر، یک سری اسناد و مدارک دانشگاهی، تعدادی رمان که تازه خریده بودم و هنوز بعضی هایش خوانده نشده بود، تعدادی سی دی های فیلم و سریال، کارت بانکم و هرچه دم دستشان بود بردند. نمی دانم دنبال چه می گشتند. چیز خاصی نداشتیم که بخواهند ببرند آنها از اینکه من نخواسته ام با توجه به سو رفتارهای مشهور امنیتی عکس و یا نوشته های خصوصیمان را بخوانند بی اخلاقی نامیدند که گفتم اینکه شما مدام به خانه های مردم میریزید با اخلاقیست؟
زهرا موسوی ادامه داد:
مامور خانم هم قصد داشت تا بازرسی بدنی بسیار بی ادبانه ای را انجام دهد و از حریم اخلاقی خارج شد که اجازه ندادم ولی رفتارشان بعد از این قضیه بهتر شد یعنی مدیریت شد. هرچه بودجمع کردند و گفتند برویم.
به گفته ی دختر نخست وزیر ۸ سال دفاع مقدس، آن ها مارا از درپشتی اوین بردند داخل. در ابتدا جلوی ورودمان را گرفته بودند و می گفتند هماهنگ نشده بعد هم بازجویی شروع شد که امر عجیب و تازه ای نبود برگه های بازجویی را گذاشتند جلوی من که از چه طریقی با سایت کلمه در ارتباطید؟ چطوری خبر می دهید یا خبر می گیرید؟ از این مدل سوال ها و خیلی پیگیر بودند و در کل می خواستند بدانند که ارتباط ما با سایت کلمه به چه شکل است. در سوالها مدام کلمه را سایت ضد انقلاب مینامید و چون بازجویی مکتوب بود میخواست تا به صورت مکتوب اقرار بگیرد که من با ضد انقلاب در ارتباطم که خب کذب محض بود و ضد انقلاب اختلاس گران وقدرت طلبان هستند و نه کلمه.
وی به بازجو گفته است: کلمه در این فضای سختی که ایجاد کرده اید با حفظ اصول و ارزشهای ملی و دینی به آگاهی رسانی به جامعه مشغول است.
زهرا موسوی در ادامه می افزاید: بازجویی کتبی تا ساعت ۱۲ تمام شد و بعد من را نشاندند داخل راهرو که بعد از آن صدای فریاد هایی را شنیدم که بعدا فهمیدم خواهرم نرگس بوده و با آنها درگیر شده اما در آن لحظه چون نمی دانستم او هم بازداشت شده دقیقا متوجه نشدم که مساله چیست. مامور بازجو که خود را آقا سید نامید همه حرفهای مرا فاقد سند می نامید. در مورد مهندسی انتخابات یا واژه آدم ربایی دربیانیه ما حساس بود اما در برابر هر حرف من می گفت سند بیار. من گفتم ما باور نمی کردیم این نظام در چنین وضعی باشد که مدام ناچار باشیم مدرک علیه افرادش تهیه کنیم قرار بر اینهمه بدی و بی اعتمادی نبود این را بعدا فهمیدیم و یاد گرفتیم. ایشان مصر بود که با روشهای بازجویی حرفهایش را به کرسی بنشاند و حکم کذب بودن حرفهای من از قبل صادر شده بود که گفتم اعدامم هم بکنید فرقی نمیکند و یک کلمه هم خارج از اینکه باور ندارم نخواهم نوشت که ایشان این حرف مرا مصداق بی ادبی درمحضر مقام قضایی دانست.
وی با بیان اینکه بخش عمده ی بازجویی هایش در ارتباط با کلمه و بیانیه هایشان بوده به خصوص همان که با خانواده آقای کروبی مشترک بوده است می گوید: مرتب می پرسیدند: چرا آن بیانیه را داده اید. و معتقد بودند که این ها نشر اکاذیب است. یعنی اطلاع رسانی ها از مشکلات و جزییات حصر پدر و مادرمان نشر اکاذیب است.
به اعتقاد دختر میرحسین و رهنورد، آنها کاملا مشخص بود ناراحت هستند که بالاخره مجرایی وجود دارد که ما حرفمان را می زنیم. البته با اصل نوشته ها و بیانیه ها هم مسئله داشتند.
وی همچنین تصریح می کند: من فکر می کنم که این ها روزهای بحرانی ای داشتند پشت سر هم، که برایشان روزهای خیلی بدی بود. وقتی رییس مجلس و رییس دولت این طور با هم درگیر می شوند در مقابل چشم مردم و یا اینکه با رییس مجلس در قم چنان رفتاری می کنند، ناچارند که یک شلوغی خبری داشته باشند که حواس مردم را پرت کنند. ضمن اینکه برای ۲۵ بهمن هم می خواستند زهر چشمی از ما بگیرند که می گیریم و می زنیم و می بندیم. ما هم البته در جواب می گوییم سر ما کنار سر همه آنهایی که این مدت در کنار هم بودیم.
زهرا موسوی می گوید: وقتی هم که بازجویی ها تمام شد ناگهان رفتارشان عوض شد. بعد از ۴ ساعت حبس صدایمان
کردند و گفتند بروید. گفتند شما ضمانت می دهید که هر موقع گفتیم بیاید اینجا؟
وی ادامه داد: تاثیر فشار رسانه ای هم برای آزادی زیاد بوده. چون صبح در خانه به من گفتند که ممکن است خیلی نگه ات داریم لباس و یک سری چیزهای ساده بردار با خودت بیاور. آنجا هم در شرایطی که به خواهرم گفته بودند چند ساعته رهایت می کنیم به من می گفتند تو می مانی. می خواستنند اذیت کنند.
به گفته ی وی از دختران میرحسین و رهنورد امضا گرفته اند که این بیانیه ها و نوشته ها مال خودشان است و آیا قبول دارند که خودشان نوشته اند؟ که آن ها هم امضا کرده اند.
زهرا موسوی در پایان با بیان اینکه “خیلی مصر بودند که ما چرا می گوییم کسی مسوولیت زندانی بودن پدر و مادرمان را قبول نکرده است” خاطرنشان می کند: می گفتند این ها نشر اکاذیب است و ما قبول نداریم. می گفتند برای همه اینها آیین نامه وجود دارد و دستور قضایی صادر شده است. ما هم گفتیم که البته ما تا به حال دستور قضایی ندیدیم. و حرف های شما را هم باور نمی کنیم. ضمن اینکه حتی اگر دستوری باشد بی دلیل بوده و پدر و مادر ما بی گناه در زندان هستند. این حرف خیلی ناراحتشان می کرد و می گفتند چرا می گویید بی دلیل؟ ما دلیل داشتیم. می گفتند که قابل توضیح است و در زمان مقرر توضیح داده می شود. اما همه ی ما می دانیم که بی دلیل و غیر قانونی پدر و مادر ما و آقای
کروبی را در بند کردند و هیچ توضیحی برای این عمل خود ندارند؟
هرا موسوی در تشریح علل احتمالی اتفاق دیروز گفت:
حکومت برای پوشش اختلافات خود نیاز به فضای جدید خبری داشت که با دستگیری ما فراهم کند ضمن اینکه نگران ۲۵ بهمن هم بود آنها از نوشته های ما در فضای محدود و تنگ مجازی و بازتاب ان درجامعه واقعی نگرانند و با توجه به انواع گرفتاریهایی که در درون خود دارند از ایجاد هر بحران نگرانند و در این نگرانی اشتباه کرده و بحران جدید میافرینند آنها با اشتباه به جنگ اشتباه می روند و چون پدر ما این روزهارا پیشبینی کرده بود انتقام آن پیشبینی را با این رفتارها از ما میگیرند
Monday, February 11, 2013
#Narges Mousavi “I am more determined than ever to pursue the violated legal rights of my parents”
February 11th, 2013 [Kaleme Zahra Sadr] – Opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi’s daughter Narges Mousavi describes the events that led to the raid of her home by security agents and her subsequent arrest, interrogation and eventual release after a few hours as follows: “This morning my 4 year old son and I were going to work when four or five big built men and a women suddenly showed up in front of my car and forced me back into the house so they could search the premises.”
Narges Mousavi describes the manner in which she was arrested as unexpectedly violent with the security agents threatening even to kill her adding: “I asked them to present a court order which they did. I believe it was from the prosecutor’s office. I had seen one of the male security agents before in front of Akhtar street. He lifted his had to strike me in the face. He paid no attention to [Islamic] codes of conduct that require that he avoid physical contact with me given that he is a man. In fact the men held my hands and took me with them. They completely ransacked my home, refusing to spare even my son’s room.”
Narges Mousavi emphasized that she will try to publish pictures of the condition of the rooms and the house after the raid by the security agents stating: “My son was extremely shaken and terrified by the ongoing arguments and tension. I don’t have anyone any more. My parents are in prison. Imagine a woman alone with her four year old son and eight other men and a woman. Following a verbal altercation one of the security officers told me that if it was up to him, he would push me out of the window of the building right there. All of this happened in front of my four year old son so I yelled back and told him that he had no right to do such a thing. They took all my electronic devices with them. They also confiscated a number of my personal notes, my MP4, my laptop, iPad and cell phone.”
While reiterating the insulting manner in which she and her son were treated during the interrogation process Narges Mousavi continued: “He not only threatened to beat me and lifted his hand to strike my face, but also threatened to kill me. There were pictures of us without our customary Islamic dress code in the house and when I protested and demanded that he refrain from looking at pictures of my sisters and I without hijab, they only ignored my request and ridiculed me. They took me to the prosecutor’s office at Evin prison and kept me waiting for two hours. They then wrote a series of questions down and demanded answers. They delayed the process on purpose and kept us there until four in the afternoon without offering us any food or water.”
The youngest daughter of Mir Hossein Mousavi and Zahra Rahnavard added: “They kept asking: :How do you contact the Kaleme website?” It was clear that this issue bothered them and was a sensitive subject. I stated that my contact with Kaleme was through email or at times by phone. I reiterated that Kaleme and the news they publish is completely acceptable to us. They asked me: “Why do you insist that your parents’ detention is illegal when it is absolutely not illegal and the concerned parties have confirmed this fact?” I wrote in response that when none of the entities within the ruling establishment have responded to our inquiries and every international organization and our civil society have expressed criticism over the current situation while the ruling establishment remains silent, that means that what has occurred is illegal. The current situation is illegal in my eyes, in the eyes of the people, in the eyes of God and the world at large!”
Mousavi’s daughter concluded: “In the end we were calmly escorted back home. The interrogation process at the house and the prosecutor’s office was nevertheless very stressful. While at the prosecutor’s office an argument ensued between myself and one of the security agents and he pushed me out of the room and took me to another room, forcing me to sit on a chair. His behavior was humiliating and filled with malice, though he later apologized. What upset me the most was that we were taken to a place where addicts are also detained. I was placed next to a man that had been been detained that morning for possessing two kilos of Crystal Meth. As the daughter of Mir Hossein Mousavi and Zahra Rahnavard I am more determined that ever to pursue the violated legal rights of my parents.”
Source: Kaleme:
#BREAKING NEWS – Opposition Leader Mehdi Karroubi’s Eldest Son Arrested
It has been reported that a representative from the office of Tehran’s Prosecutor was present along with 7 other security agents who searched the home, confiscating the personal belongings of Mohammad Hossein Karroubi including his laptop, cell phone and documents including his identity card and bank cards belonging to the Hossein Karroubi’s family. Personal computers belonging to two of Mehdi Karroubi’s grandchildren were also confiscated.
In a similarly coordinated move, opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi’s two youngest daughters, Narges and Zahra were also arrested this morning and released after several hours of questioning.
The arrests and interrogations were reportedly as a result of the joint statement published by the children of the opposition leaders on January 8th, 2013 demanding that their parents be released.
[Read the English translation of the joint statement here:]
Source: Saham News:
#BREAKING NEWS – Opposition Leader Mir Hossein Mousavi’s Daughters Arrested and Released After A Few Hours of Interrogation
February 11th, 2013 – Kaleme reports that opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi’s two younger daughters Narges and Zahra were arrested at their homes early this morning and released after a few hours of interrogation.
Mousavi’s oldest daughter Kokab made the following statements to Kaleme regarding the events of this morning: “They provided no reason for their arrest, but in our opinion they seek to divert attention from the recent scandals plaguing the ruling establishment. My sisters were arrested because they wish to cover up the recent disputes and power struggles such as the latest debacle in the parliament and the disgraceful events that took place at Hazrate Masoumeh’s shrine.”
Kokab Mousavi added: “Narges called and informed me that the agents were at her home. She asked me to go there to watch over her young child. They told her that the arrest would be for a few hours only and that she would have to respond to a few questions. As for Zahra, her husband was there when they arrived and arrested her.”
In closing Mousavi’s oldest daughter stated: ” On the eve of February 14th and as we enter into the third year of their house arrest the further intensification of illegal moves by the ruling establishment was predictable.”
Kaleme reports that the opposition leaders daughters were released after a few hours of interrogation. Further details regarding the arrest will be published shortly and translated as soon as they become available.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Friday, February 8, 2013
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Monday, February 4, 2013
Saturday, February 2, 2013
شب داستان خوانی عباس معروفی